Family Office Advocate

Not all families have the time or expertise to manage investments and deal with the complexities associated with taxes and/or inter-generational issues.  A Family Advocate brings an outside perspective to the table and guides families through the decision-making process.  A Family Advocate also helps identify resources needed to manage wealth efficiently, not only from an investment and tax perspective but also within the family itself, especially when multiple generations are present.

 Unlike consultants, a Family Advocate works with families to identify service providers, as needed, with the skills and resources that are required to successfully manage wealth and assist with family dynamics.  There are times when the Family Advocate continues to work with a family, perhaps as an investment committee member or outside trustee, or as a participant in the implementation of the program to provide ongoing oversight and continuity.

 Reach out to Harpswell to see how our Family Advocacy services might fit your needs.